
Collection of some interesting and useful articles on the web.

Web Applications 101

by Robin Wieruch

Defensive CSS

by Ahmad Shadeed

Designing Beautiful Shadows in CSS

by Josh Comeau

Interactive Learning Tools For Front-End Developers

by Louis Lazaris

Level up your CSS linting using Stylelint

by Rob O'Leary

How and When to Use Context in React with Hooks

by Tania Rascia

Effective React Query Keys

by TkDodo

An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions

by Josh Comeau

How to use React Context effectively

by Kent C. Dodds

The Perils of Rehydration

by Josh Comeau

How to optimize your context value

by Kent C. Dodds

Before You memo()

by Dan Abramov

React Server Components

by Addy Osmani

How to useEffect in React

by Robin Wieruch

Practical React Query

by TkDodo

How to Test React.useEffect

by Kent C. Dodds

Fix useEffect re-running on every render

by Dave Ceddia

JavaScript to Know for React

by Kent C. Dodds

JavaScript to Know for React

by Kent C. Dodds

Client-Side Architecture Basics [Guide]

by Khalil Stemmler

Grid for layout, Flexbox for components

by Ahmad Shadeed

What (not) to Prefetch/Prerender

by Addy Osmani

Common mistakes with React Testing Library

by Kent C. Dodds

The Quest for the Perfect Dark Mode

by Josh Comeau

Profiling React.js Performance

by Addy Osmani

Optional Chaining Has Arrived!

by Laurie Barth

Persistent Layout Patterns in Next.js

by Adam Wathan

Fix the slow render before you fix the re-render

by Kent C. Dodds

When to useMemo and useCallback

by Kent C. Dodds

A Complete Guide to useEffect

by Dan Abramov

How to fetch data with React Hooks

by Robin Wieruch

How Are Function Components Different from Classes?

by Dan Abramov

Functional Programming Principles in Javascript

by TK

Eloquest Javascript - Book

by Marijn Haverbeke

How JavaScript works: Event loop and the rise of Async programming + 5 ways to better coding with async/await

by Alexander Zlatkov

Master JavaScript Prototypes & Inheritance

by Arnav Aggarwal

Elements of JavaScript Style

by Eric Eliott

Javascript: call(), apply() and bind()

by Omer Goldberg

10 Interview Questions Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

by Eric Eliott

JavaScript Design Patterns

by dofactory