Chef Online
Facebook Application

Chef Online | Chef Online @ 2013
Working @ ActualSales, build a Facebook application.
Chef Online belongs to Continente which is probably the biggest food market in Portugal.
This project was a Facebook application integrated with the Chef Online Facebook page. It had a "like gate" so the user can only participate after liking the Chef Online page. After that, he had to fill out a form with his personal information, and then he could play.
The game consisted in finding gifts in Google Maps Street View feature. The user had to choose a part of Portugal and navigate through Google Maps Street View in search of a "real" gift. There were fake and real gifts. When the user missed a real gift he had to invite friends so that he could play again.
When he found a real one, had to enter a custom phrase about Continente, Natal, and Chef Online.
All of this to win some gift or vouchers.
Client: Chef Online
Date: 2013